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Frequently Asked Questions

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Does it support mixed Kotlin/Java projects?


What is the impact on binary size?

There should be no impact since Scabbard only runs during compilation and generated images are not meant to be packaged into binary. You could control if Scabbard is enabled for release builds via scabbard { enabled = false } block.


For Android, one way to disable Scabbard for release builds is by simply flipping the enabled property in Gradle plugin extension as follows.

scabbard {
  enabled !gradle.startParameter.toString().contains("assembleRelease")

What is the impact on build time?

  1. Scabbard processor uses standard annotation processing APIs to generate images. This lets the processor be cacheable and does not run when inputs have not changed.

  2. Currently there are no benchmark available and more work is expected to be done in performance area.

How can I understand the generated graph?

Please refer to Scabbard cheat sheet.

I don't see gutter icons to view graph.

Please ensure you have built the project once and wait for Android Studio/IntelliJ indexing to be done for gutter icons to be visible. Even after indexing if the icons are not visible, please file an issue.

The common causes for missing gutter icons are

  • Images are generated but IntelliJ index cache is corrupted. Please try Invalidate Cache and Restart to reindex the files.
  • Image are not generated. Please enable scabbard.failOnError and observe Gradle build log for any errors.

You could also manually look for generated images in the build folder as described here.

Any other format for visualizing the dependency graph?

Some other graph formats being considered are:

  • Single graph: Instead of splitting the graph into multiple files, render all nodes in single file #6.