transitionx / in.arunkumarsampath.transitionx.transition.set / TransitionSetBuilder / customTransition


inline fun <reified T : Transition> customTransition(transitionBuilder: TransitionBuilder<T>.() -> Unit = {}): Unit

Instantiates Transition of type T and adds to this transition. The T type must have a public no arg constructor for the instantiation to work.

If the custom transition cannot have a no arg public constructor then, you can instantiate the transition yourself and call customTransition


IllegalArgumentException - if the type T does not have a public no arg constructor.

See Also


inline fun <T : Transition> customTransition(transition: T, transitionBuilder: TransitionBuilder<T>.() -> Unit = {}): Unit

Alternative to customTransition that takes an already instantiated transition instance and allows additional configuration via the transitionBuilder block.

This method is preferred for cases where T transition does not have a public no-arg constructor